Trauma Release

Some health issues do not have a clear explanation.  These issues confuse doctors and make it difficult to diagnose.  When medicine does not help, what is the next course of action?  Most people just deal with the problem. There could be several genuine reasons for unexplained disturbances in the body and mind.


  • Feeling pain in a shoulder, then later on in your lower back.
  • You are functional but not connected to yourself.
  • Headaches or body aches that occur mainly or only when you go out in public.
  • Fears and unexplained panic attacks that affect your breathing and debilitate you.
  • Persistent exacerbated pains seemingly way beyond the original injury.
  • Wanting to cry almost daily for no apparent reason.

There are various reasons why these problems happen.  The body is a storehouse of 'Energy Memories' from childhood and even of past lives.  Accidents and incidences happen that illicit significant amounts of fear. The body and soul records the traumas that you have experienced in your tissue and various 'Energy Bodies' that are intimately connected to you. In many extremely stressful situations, that trauma was stored in your physical body as well as your mental psyche. You might also take on the pain and or physical issues of people you live with or closely work with should you be a sensitive person.

Intuitive Healing connects with these disturbances and creates the space for them to be released.  If the memory was rather traumatic and painful or particularly emotional, then the release might be more intense.  When the release is complete, you may experience an incredible sense of well-being, peace, and stillness in your mind and body.

The Quantum Biofeedback device can help clear layers of old pain and trauma.  It has a program specifically suited for this situation. 

Consult with Francesca regarding your best option and healing plan.